
Title I

iPad Tookit for Educators

2012 ND Title I, Special Education, and 21st CCLC Fall Conference

Image taken from

Your toolkit now contains......

Link to List of iPad Apps
Link to CCSS Math Links

Links to Evaluating iPad Apps Resources
Methods to Organize Apps

Blog post on organizing apps
  • Folders (arranging apps in content categories, students, classes)
  • Naming Folders (students names, pictures)
  • Rearranging Screens (leaving folders or specific apps on a blank home screen)
  • iCloud in App Store (deleting apps on iPad and bringing back from the iCloud)
QR Code Resources

RedLaser App FREE (Generate and Scan)
Periodic Table of Videos (QR code style)
QR Voice (code links to a voice recording)
Blog post on Red Laser

Google Form Resources

Google Form blog post

Video/Camera Ideas
Strip Design App ($2.99) 
Puppet Pals App (Free & Paid Version)
One Video a Day App (Free)

Take videos of your students reading at the beginning, middle, and end of school...good tool to see student growth!

iBook Ideas
Blog post on iBook

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