iBooks is one of my favorite apps...the possibilities are endless for its uses!!! Here are my top ten apptivities and features of iBooks....enjoy :)
#10--Creating "Collections" to organize your books and pdf documents. Apptivity--I created a collection called School Board and placed a pdf within that bookshelf. This pdf contained school-wide K-8 mathematics data, comparing the beginning of the year to the middle of the year benchmark assessments, along with pictures from our most recent Math Around the World event. I brought in about six ipads and let the school board members open up the pdf's within iBooks....they loved it!
#8--The note and dictionary features available while reading a book. By tapping on a word and holding your finger on the word for a second, a set of features will appear. Apptivity--Last year a small group of 8th graders helped me test out iBooks. We read The Call of The Wild where the dictionary feature came in handy when we came across words such as--draught animal. Student were able to read the book at their own pace and I was able to keep track of their comprehension by using the Notes feature. I would post questions on notes throughout their book and they would answer my questions on the same note. I could easily find these notes and answers by choosing the notes tab on the table of contents page. Great way to individualize instruction!
#7--The search book feature allows the reader to type word or phrase and a list of places where the word or phrase is found in the book will appear....this is a wonderful tool for students to find answers to questions.
#6--Ability to change the brightness, font size, font style, and background theme...wonderful for those of us that like to read larger font and at night in the dark.
#5--Before you purchase a book from the iBook store you can click on the "Get Sample" button. A chapter will download into your iBooks, so it's like going to Barnes and Noble...you get to preview the book before you buy it.
#4--Creating your own iBook with hyperlinks and videos. Apptivity--Let's say a Kindergarten class went on a field trip to your local zoo. The teacher took some small videos of the animals. As a class project, the teacher has the students write about their favorite animal they saw at the zoo, along with a fact about this animal. She then takes a picture of the student's writings (with the ipad/ipod) and places them into a Pages document, along with some of the videos from the zoo. Of course, the teacher would pretty up the document. It is then placed into iBooks for students to view and could also be shown to parents at conferences.
#3--Built in Google and Wikipedia search within the iBooks app. Highlight a word or group of words....example: Area 51, then click on the search feature and you have the option of google or wikipedia.
#2--You don't have to carry around a bunch of books, instead you have all your library on one small device.
#1----IT'S FREE!!!!