
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ideas for Red Laser App

This app has some instructional possibilities in the classroom.....

Free App.... Red Laser

Idea 1: Have some items (ex. cereal boxes, soup cans, books etc...anything with a barcode) and have students use the Red Laser app to scan the barcodes on the items. Tell the students that they each have $50 to spend to get the best deals for their money. Students can use the following worksheet to recored their work.  

Idea 2: This app also will generate QR code for the user...I could see teachers using this app for that purpose. Once the QR code is created it can easily be emailed or saved in your photos on the ipad/ipod for later use. The idea of a scavenger hunt using QR codes sounds interesting to me and will probably be something I try in the next few months. The following are a couple links about QR code and some ideas to use in education.....

Using QR Codes in the Classroom

QR Codes in Education Livebinders

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