
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Record Breaking Temperatures

We have been experiencing record-breaking temperatures in Bismarck, North Dakota for the last couple days. Tomorrow it is suppose to be almost 60 degrees....that's pretty warm for this time of year. To celebrate the wonderful weather we have been having, this post will be dedicated to weather apps and how to use them with your students.

Science Ideas:
  1. Wind speed and direction, wind chill (how it is calculated) or the Jet Stream
  2. Clouds and the different characteristics (some of the apps have live feeds of city scapes, students can see the actual clouds and organize the cities with cumulus, cirrus, or alto clouds) They can also find places that are experiencing dense fog (other counties too!).
  3. Great way to get students interested in the career of weather forecasting!
  4. Compare the different temperatures and climates around the world---desert, ocean, tundra, etc.
  5. Rain--students can use the apps to help them pick a day that is likely to rain. Have students make rain gauges and place them around the school. Then have students record their amounts and compare to the weather app.

Math Ideas:
  1. Discuss the different types of graphs and analyze the data from the graphs. (Seasonality Go-has great graphs).
  2. Comparing 10 different cities and their current temperatures--find the mean, median, and mode. Compare regions of the U.S. or world.
  3. Probability---least likely, most likely, chance of precipitation (percentages)

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