
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ideas, Ideas, Ideas

I can't wait to have a normal schedule this week...wait...I forgot this weekend is Easter! The past two weeks I have heard incredible speakers at an Apple training, ASCD conference, and the NDCTM math conference. Here are some of the ideas that I wanted to pass along.......
  • The Apple training focused on update to iBooks which allowed users to download textbooks to their iPads. Teachers now have the ability to create your own interactive books to use in your classroom. The software to create these books can be found in the App Store on your Mac computer or laptop. Currently, the iBooks Author software is a free download (as long as your computer is running the newest iOS Lion). 
  • Explain Everything ($2.99) This would be a good app to have students work problems and while they are recording themselves through the app. The recorded presentation can then be emailed to a teacher. Students can input pictures and draw or illustrate as they are explaining.
  • Relection app ($14.99) This software will run on your computer or laptop and allows your iPad to project wirelessly. All you have to do is go into the Settings of your iPad and click on the General tab, then Bluetooth and then click on the signal from your computer. Found this to be a little temperamental, but willing to give it another try. 

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