Fraction Frenzy!!!
Fraction Factory (Free) App that allows students to place fractions on a number line, using the decimal equivalent as a helper. Simple app that would be good practice for students learning how fractions relate to decimals and the number line.
Fraction Basics (Free) Great app that breaks down fractions into basic understanding to dividing fractions. Each section is broken down into smaller video segments that explains and provides examples for those learning the concepts. This could be a good homework helper!
Tic Tac Math Fractions ($4.99) Bit expensive, but if you buy it through the Volume Purchasing Store it is half price. Students can partner up and play against each other. Varying levels from beginner to expert. Worth the money...good practice once students have understand addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions.
Pizza Fractions: Beginning with Simple Fractions (Free) Use this app when you have already taught students the basic fractions (whole, half, thirds, fourths, fifths, and sixths) Students can use this app to build fluency recognizing fractions of a circle (or pizza). Each round gives the student 10 questions and keeps their time for the round.
Pizza Fractions: Comparing Simple Fractions ($.99) I haven't played this app, but it looks similar to the app mentioned above, just comparing two fractions, using the pizzas to give students the visual of each fraction.
Just Fractions ($1.99) Haven't used this app, looks like students can add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions. They also have options to Find LCD, Decimals, and Definitions.
Basic Fraction (Free) Found this one randomly and I like how students use their finger to solve the problems on the whiteboard before punching in their answers. Students can solve for "x" which makes it a fun app for older students.
Math Tappers: Estimate Fractions (Free) Using a number line users move fractions to their estimated position. Really simple and would be great was to practice fraction fluency. If you place the fraction in the wrong position, immediate feedback through a picture of the fraction as a whole.
Fractions ($.99) Haven't used this app, but looks like it is for younger learners with a wide scope of concepts.
**All pictures are from the iTunes preview site for each app
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